Solar in the News
This feature provides objective, third-party articles about solar power worldwide. Press releases and stories obviously generated by entities in the article will be avoided as self-serving.
Solar Power Heating Up in Florida
ORMOND BEACH -- Solar power technology, once exclusively used for hot water heaters and raising the swimming pool temperature a few degrees, is now powering homes, may soon power cities and may even be collected from outer space... Read more:
Solar Power Dawns in the Northwest
Marple's Pacific Northwest Letter, out of Seattle, has summarized the huge amount of capital flowing into solar-related businesses in the four-state region of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana...
Thin Films in Energy Applications to Reach $3.9 billion
According to a new technical market research report, THE GLOBAL MARKET FOR THIN FILMS IN ENERGY APPLICATIONS (EGY060A) from BCC Research, the global market for thin films in energy applications was worth $1.1 billion in 2007. This is expected to increase to $1.4 billion in 2008 and $3.9 billion in 2013, for a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.5%...
Kansas City: Interest in solar power heats up
Jeffrey Schmidt is part of a team that's working to trade out electricity for sunshine at a River Market loft...A solar water-heating system will nearly eliminate the need to buy power to heat water for the 5,500-square foot, two-story loft, said Schmidt, an architect with Greenlee Schmidt Architects...
Solar Generation Costs on Track to Achieve Grid Parity
Even though the cost of solar power today from sources such as photovoltaic [PV] and solar thermal is more expensive than traditional forms of power generation utilizing resources such as coal and natural gas, many believe that in the long term solar power will achieve cost parity with traditional forms of grid power...
Photovoltaics Underestimated, says SunPower Co-founder
If the growth of photovoltaic (PV) solar cell installations were to continue at the current rate, they would be able to satisfy all U.S. electricity demands by 2040, according to Richard Swanson, co-founder of SunPower Corp...
Japan: More Good News for Solar
Japan's Mitsubishi Electric Corp. said Wednesday it will spend 50 billion yen (458 million dollars) to boost solar power cell production four-fold by early 2012 amid growing interest in renewable energies...

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