Down month finishes upbeat, sort of
Okay, it was a dismal month for the Dow, NASDAQ and solar stocks overall. This post I added an additional stat showing percentage loss or gain since Jan. 5 when this stock index began. Only two solar stocks were up for the month, Amtel Systems and Entech Solar (formerly WorldWater & Solar Technologies). Either these companies have something good going or they just got lucky. Average solar stock loss for all twenty was over 18% but this week finished on a high note as gainers topped losers 14 to 6 with the average stock price up for the week about 3%.
Reasons for the down market involve the same suspects: Weak economy exacerbated by growing unemployment; banks still stingy about lending (our money!); and an anemic economy worldwide that can't purchase our exports (such as they are). As for solar, wintertime simply is not a good solar sales period. What's more, the lending problem has stymied several large solar projects but power purchase agreements are beginning to jump-start others which is a reason why the month has finished up. Furthermore, extension of the solar investment tax credit is having a positive effect, at least here in California, where the rebates are still decent; electricity rates are still climbing; and the sun still produces appreciable kilowatt hours despite the season.
I guess it's appropriate now to remind readers it's always the sun that gives a cloud its silver lining.
Week of: January 26-30, 2009
Symbol/Name Monday Friday +/- % Change % Since 1/05/09
DJIA/Dow Jones 8116.03 8000.86 -115.17 -1.42 -11.89
NASDAQ 1489.46 1476.42 -12.04 -.88 -9.32
Akeena Solar AKNS 2.00 1.85 -.15 -7.50 -18.86
Amtel Systems ASYS 4.17 4.04 -.13 -3.12 +1.01
Applied Mat. AMAT 9.83 9.37 -.46 -4.68 -7.88
Canadian Solar CSIQ 5.21 5.46 +.25 +1.05 -25.58
ECD (UniSolar) ENER 24.79 25.17 +.38 +1.53 -15.48
Entech (WW) ENSL.OB .36 .4075 +.0475 +13.19 +31.29
Evergreen Solr ESLR 2.12 2.21 +.09 +4.24 -38.62
First Solar FSLR 139.05 142.80 +3.75 +2.69 -9.51
GT Solar Int. SOLR 3.86 3.63 -.23 -5.96 -3.50
JA Solar JASO 2.46 2.66 +.20 +8.13 -47.75
Kyocera KYO 67.35 63.62 -.73 -.014 -11.48
LDK Solar LDK 11.54 12.10 +.56 +4.85 -18.47
MEMC Elect. WFR 13.41 13.60 +.19 +1.41 -13.71
Renesola SOL 3.39 3.68 +.29 +8.55 -28.55
Satcon SATC 1.43 1.38 -.05 -3.50 -13.75
SolarFun SOLF 4.91 4.96 +.05 +1.01 -18.96
SunPower SPWRA 28.80 33.56 +4.76 +16.52 -25.64
SunTech STP 8.85 9.41 +.56 +6.32 -30.56
Trina Solar TSL 7.47 8.08 +.61 +8.16 -19.93
Yingli YGE 5.27 5.59 +.32 +6.07 -22.90
Average % change for all solar stocks for week: +2.946%
NOTE: All above stocks have market capitization of $100M+ except Akeena Solar, Amtel Systems and Entech Solar. This listing is strictly informational and implies neither endorsement or disapproval of any stock listed. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Stock index compiled with the use of MarketBrowser available free at